The Secure Compliant Contactless Online Contractor Management System

Contractor Tracker allows contractors to create work requests and monitors all on-site visits by identifying Health & Safety information and provides Permits to Work online.

The Secure Compliant Contactless Online Contractor Management System

Contractor Tracker allows contractors to create work requests and monitors all on-site visits by identifying Health & Safety information and provides Permits to Work online.

We would like to present Contractor Tracker™ the bespoke, web enabled contractor management system.





Contractor Tracker provides your company with an online, contactless, permit-to-work solution for monitoring contractors and visitors accessing your premises.

Our system allows contractors to upload all Health & Safety and work related information to demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to working safely at all times when on your site. It then issues ID Badges with a link which details activities being carried out, when and where. This data is filed and can be used to create individual management reports.

Organising contractors and visitors could not be easier or safer with our Contractor Tracker™ system.

Complete project management in one system

Our system allows clients to approve contractors ensuring that they have all relevant Health & Safety, insurance and RAMS requirements for every job. Once approved contractors take responsibility for each work visit. They schedule their work and/or deliveries by creating online work permits prior to arrival.

Simple, easy to learn process

Contractor Tracker requires no additional hardware or complex procedures. Simply log on, follow the step-by-step guide and upload areas, continue and complete. Each work request will be checked manually and automatically filed.

Professional support and expert guidance

Our service provides full bespoke system development and website monitoring throughout the life of your Contractor Tracker™ system. Each system can be updated and adapted at anytime to suit your growing business. It also comes with ‘unlimited’ server storage space, full offsite backup provision with admin helpline and a contractor email helpline.

If you require more information or would like a demo, please contact us.
